• An Organization Theory Without Managers

    In Colorkrew with Super Flat Organization, there are no managerial positions. Naturally, we often receive questions such as “who makes the decision and leads the team, and how?” No managers, many leaders In Colorkrew, all business activities fall under the units of “projects.” If you’re to promote the project, you will be a Project Leader (PL) and have specific roles in the project.
  • Can We Enjoy Working?

    Colorkrew’s vision is to “Go Inspire the World” to make the world’s work fun and expand services such as Goalous and Mamoru. Today, I’d like to bring up a question to which different generations might have variable answers: if work should be fun and enjoyable, or laborious and painful. Early Heisei period: Work was hard as its nature When I started working 27 years ago, many of the senior Salarymen told me that “work is tough and hard as its nature.
  • The Pitfalls in "Eliminating Insensitivity"

    Japan as a high context culture Japanese culture is said to be a “high context culture.” The ‘context’ here refers to the cultural background, such as customs, knowledge, and values that each of us has. In a high context culture, the background has been mutual understanding, and the people there assume “you know what I mean before I tell you, don’t you?
  • You Don't Exist, If You Don't Speak Out

    The sin of not speaking out For anyone working in a team, speaking what s/he’s thinking out is not a ‘should-do’, but a ‘must-do’. Some people make it their rule to speak out after someone started and not to be the first one. You indeed need to be brave when speaking out first, but if everyone is waiting for someone else to start, nothing on your business will proceed.
  • One Simple Secret in Making Good Reviews

    Importance in Giving/Receiving Reviews ISAO’s Super Flat management, which puts value in openness and fairness, promotes empowerment in individuals and each has responsibility to make decisions of what they do. This is because ISAO believes it important to shorten the decision-making process in order to accelerate the business. Because the person in charge make decisions and proceed the work quickly, it is quite important for the people around to give feedback from an objective perspective that the person didn’t have.
  • Creating Strong Company Culture: How to Let Ideas and Values Penetrate in Your Company

    By letting ideas and values penetrate, companies can create strong culture of their own. This time, I will write about “how to let ideas and values penetrate.” “Values” Important in Making Daily Judgments For a company to grow, its work must be evolved and renewed. In the evolving process, you do not have precedents and therefore, you will have to make your own decisions for each situation.