Colorkrew Attendance at SXSW March 2023 in Texas with Colorkrew Biz

If you read a lot about innovation and technology, you’ve probably heard or seen some publication involving the acronym SXSW.

The acronym means South by Southwest and it is an innovation festival. We can say that it is one of the biggest events of our time involving people from all over the world who debate themes that involve innovation, media, music, behavior and interactivity. The purpose of the event is to expose and provide space for people in the technology area to share their ideas and experiences. In this post we are going to talk in more detail about SXSW.

What is the purpose of this event?


SXSW has taken place annually since 1987. But due to the pandemic, it was canceled in 2020, in 2021 it was held online, and in 2022 it happened both ways, in person and online format giving choice to participants.

The event takes place in Austin, Texas and carries great weight and importance, as it receives people from all over the world who discuss trends and technologies that will transform the future and revolutionize the business world. A subject that has been growing significantly is concern for the environment. The climate crisis is being a very engaged topic since it is a topic that concerns the whole world. After all, it is believed that technology can contribute positively to this issue, in addition to many others.

It is recommended that the festival’s website ( be used for personal consultations and organizations, as the event has a very extensive and complete program of rich information.

The event is always divided into categories, in the topic below you can understand a little more about it.

SXSW Categories

SXSW Most of the lectures and shows take place in a well-known building, the Austin Convention Center. Additionally, events take place in arenas and are spread across the city of Austin. We are talking about a huge event that includes theaters, stages, restaurants and convention centers.

In the year 2022, SXSW was divided into fifteen categories encompassing workshops, presentations and panels. Among the topics discussed were: - Culture, - Design, - Film and media industry, - Startups, - Technology and transport industry, - The future of music, - TV and film industry, - Climate changes.

As we mentioned above, one of the most commented subjects is the climate change that the whole world has been facing. In 2022, one of the highlights was “ESG: Ready to Pay the Bill?”, which had the participation of Brazilians and addressed issues about the role of companies in the negative socio-environmental impacts of their activities. The session was attended by the Secretary of Economic Development, Science and Technology of the State of São Paulo, Patrícia Ellen and the global head of sustainability and impact Adam Gromis, representing the giant Uber.

The panel named “Rivers Move Cities” presented about the global movement to restore great rivers around the world, including the Pinheiros River located in São Paulo, SP. This presentation was attended by Sabesp’s Director of Corporate Management, Adriano Stringhini and the Vice President of Conservation Strategies at American Rivers, Jenny Hoffner. Apart from those big names mentioned above, there were at least 10 attractions that performed at the event.

Colorkrew and SXSW

Colorkrew Biz It is with great to say that Colorkrew will participate in the next SXSW event that will take place in March 2023. One of Colorkrew’s flagships is Colorkrew Biz, our application for workplace management. We will be at the exhibition from 10th to 14th.

Colorkrew Biz is essential to assist in the management of hybrid work and has already won important awards such as the 2022 IT Review Award in Japan, nominated as the best Office Management Tool. The application is easy to use due to an unique UI/UX, becoming a day-to-day facilitator for companies and employees who are looking for less complications and headaches when it comes to finding what they need for a pleasant work environment.

We are excited and happy to share this news. Our participation in this event will certainly be a milestone in the history of Colorkrew.

To learn more about the event, visit