The Reasons Why You Should Choose ISAO If You Want to Make the World Better

How Will You Choose a Company You Work for?


In Japan, hiring new graduates is still considered to be the mainstream, but career change and company change are gradually becoming popular.


How did you choose the company you work for? You chose it because it’s famous, because the money is good, you like the kind of job you do, you want the skills you acquire through it, or you want to put yourself in a circumstance that will help you grow? I guess these are the major reasons people choose a workplace.


This is How You Should Choose a Company

Writing this topic made me remember a blog article I wrote much time ago with this title: “It’s still not late: four keywords to open up your career (Japanese)”

The article was mainly for new graduates and people in their early stages of their career. Therefore, here I will talk about “why you should come to ISAO” for those who have already started working and have some experience of work.


7 Reasons You Should Choose ISAO

1. ISAO is an ideal environment for self-development.

In ISAO, you will be, regardless of how old you are, required to show constant personal growth. It is not that “you should grow” but “you must grow”.


2. Office relationship is nice

Because of the Super Flat Organization, there’s no meaningless pressure in the office relationships. NO ONE in ISAO will be arrogant to you because he/she is in a managerial position nor because the person is older than you (first of all, there’s no managerial position in ISAO)


3. You will play the leading role of your own career

Once you start showing your capability, people around you will cheer you up and encourage you to do more and more. If you want to do a greater job that will change the world, ISAO is an ideal place.


4. ISAO will make you a global businessperson

In ISAO, teams consist of members not only from Japan, but also from Europe, America, Asia and other countries over the world. Some members don’t speak Japanese at all, so you have no choice but to become international.


5. Age isn’t a problem

There are many companies that say this, but ISAO really doesn’t care your age nor academic background. We hired two people in their fifties in the last few years, and because we do not talk about our school careers, I don’t know the degree of my colleague’s whom I have worked with since I came here 9 years ago.


6. Salary goes up quite fast with Real Time Promotion system

In ISAO’s Real Time Promotion system, your wage increases super quickly if you convince the others that you do well. That is, of course, it won’t increase if you stay stagnant. The system is perfect for those who are confident with constant personal growth.

(ref: Choosing evaluator by yourself: a grade system that never creates ‘authority’ with Real Time Promotion throughout a year)


7. Office environment is attractive

To begin with, it’s comfortably big with enough space between each desk. Besides, we also have dart machines and a pool table which you can enjoy anytime. Alcohol beverages are also available with a large variety of beer; ‘Yona-Yona Ale’ and ’Indian Ao-Oni’ have been people’s favorite.

dart machine in office dart machine in office

Three Qualifications You Need

As I’ve shown, we have numbers of reasons you should come to ISAO, but there are some qualifications you need to have. They are:

-that you take actions by yourself,

-that you will keep growing

-and that you value your teams


If you are confident with these three and wish to work with us, we’re waiting for you applications.

We’re always welcoming engineers, salespersons, entrepreneurs with our doors open anytime!

ISAO members group photo