The Road to Super Flat Organization #4 : First Open or First Flat?
“With what should we start?” It is a FAQ from managers and leaders who want to install an “Open and Flat” ideology in their organizations. First, Open The conclusion is this: the importance of an “Open” culture is ten times more important than a flat organization, and it should be the first step to start....The Road to Super Flat Organization #3: Majority Vote Won't Change
Last time, I wrote about making things ready to explain why before actually making changes. The completion of Super Flat Organization needed drastic changes on the previous organization. This time, I’ll talk about how I made decisions and how I moved things forward. Why change? A company is a living thing....The Road to Super Flat Organization #2: Explaining "Why" Before the Change
In the last article, I explained that “making the company open” was crucial for Super Flat Organization. Back number: The Road to Super Flat Organization #1: Not a Goal, but a Result This time, I’ll talk about what to do before making an impactful reform and what we did in ISAO (Colorkrew at that time)....The Road to Super Flat Organization #1: Not a Goal, but a Result
The dark sides of hierarchical, closed organizations In 2010, I joined ISAO (Colorkrew at that time). ISAO at that time was a typical hierarchical, closed company. Although the company culture was a casual one as now it is, teams were hierarchical and inflexible with a tremendous information gap, and it seemed a closed company to me....Encouragement of a Spontaneous Organization: From Management to Spontaneity
In the past, I wrote about the organizations free themselves from management and running spontaneously, in many ways. In this article, I’ll explain “why management sucks and why autonomy is lovely,” as a summary. The times have changed An important premise in talking about the paradigm shift from management to autonomy is that today’s society is quite different from the 20’s century, where Japan had a brilliant development with industrialization....Just Three Ways to Increase Your Value
One’s value in a company is following his/her salary or position. This time, I’ll think about how to improve your market value. Improve individual performance #1 Basic Skills To think of individual value, the first thing that comes to mind might be skills. You should nurture those skills through a practical job; in other words, on-the-job-training (OJT) is the most important....A Performance of the Man Who Never Fails: The Story of a Big Project Completion
Hello! I’m Da-hara from the branding project. I’m delivering you the latest interview article first time in a while! This month, one big project came to its completion. The project was rewarded in the Award presentation, where the company praises successful outcomes of the previous period. We had an interview with Mr....An Organization Theory Without Managers
In Colorkrew with Super Flat Organization, there are no managerial positions. Naturally, we often receive questions such as “who makes the decision and leads the team, and how?” No managers, many leaders In Colorkrew, all business activities fall under the units of “projects.” If you’re to promote the project, you will be a Project Leader (PL) and have specific roles in the project....The More Bugs You Write, the More You Learn: An Ever-evolving Web Engineer!
Hi! I’m Kiyo from HR and Branding projects! I’m presenting the vol.6 of Let’s talk with Colorkrew engineers! This time we talked with Mr. Nishida (usually going by Nishi), the developer of the inhouse product of push notification and authentification service, “Mamoru PUSH,”and a business tool with QR codes to reduce office duties regarding personnel, resource, and money, “Mamoru Biz....A Developer, a Recruiter, and a Trainer! Multi-talented Mr. "Readable Code"
Hi! I’m Kiyo from HR and Branding projects! I’m presenting the vol.7 of let’s talk with Colorkrew engineers! This time we talked with Jan, the developer of “Mamoru Biz,” a business concierge tool dealing with QR codes to reduce office duties regarding personnel, resource, and money. He’s a web engineer who leads the team as the product development leader....Can We Enjoy Working?
Colorkrew’s vision is to “Go Inspire the World” to make the world’s work fun and expand services such as Goalous and Mamoru. Today, I’d like to bring up a question to which different generations might have variable answers: if work should be fun and enjoyable, or laborious and painful. Early Heisei period: Work was hard as its nature When I started working 27 years ago, many of the senior Salarymen told me that “work is tough and hard as its nature....The story of Daniel, Colorkrew Brazil founder!
Boa tarde! Oops! My Portuguese came out! Hi, I’m Ai, Colorkrew’s PR manager. Today’s article is about Daniel from Brazil! Goalous debut in Brazil! He worked for Colorkrew in Japan until 2019 and now he’s in Brazil, to promote Goalous and other Colokrew’s services in Brazil In September 2020, right in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis, Goalous, an SNS-type objective management tool, has started the first service in Brazil....The Pitfalls in "Eliminating Insensitivity"
Japan as a high context culture Japanese culture is said to be a “high context culture.” The ‘context’ here refers to the cultural background, such as customs, knowledge, and values that each of us has. In a high context culture, the background has been mutual understanding, and the people there assume “you know what I mean before I tell you, don’t you?...You Need A Team and This is Why
I once wrote an article about my about the idea of the relationship between individuals and teams. In the article, I explained that better results come out from the contributions of individuals who keep growing. In a circumstance where people produce good results, there is a virtuous cycle in which the conditions will be better prepared for the greater challenges, resulting in further development in the individuals....