• Actions, Narrow Transformations, and Wide Transformations

    Hi! My name is Ziyu Chen. I am a full-stack engineer at Colorkrew. I love learning and writing about data engineering. Today, I would like to discuss transformations and actions in Spark. Of course, you can dive into the world of Spark and perform ETL processes without knowing how they differ from each other.
  • Dependency Injection with Laravel

    Dependency Injection - With Laravel Dependency injection is a commonly used design pattern in object oriented programming. Through some pre-established conventions, we are able to manage the creation of our dependencies more easily. We can declare, replace, or even mock the dependencies as needed without the need to change the code that relies on the dependency.
  • The Power of TypeScript Types

    Any frontend developer knows the frustration of seeing the infamous “is not a function” message pop up. It reminds you that, even though your code might achieve your goal, you will not be able to assure its consistency or reliability. Without strict typing there is no stopping tiny slip-ups due to a lack of coffee - or sleep, depending on your dedication.
  • Technical onboarding in Colorkrew

    Hi all, This is Ning Li from Colorkrew. I am a lead engineer who oversees several in-house service developments in Colorkrew. In this blog, please let me introduce the technical onboarding in Colorkrew. We have been working hard to improve this progress in recent years, so that our new members can join the team smoothly and get excellent work experience.
  • What is Culture Deck, exactly? Three reasons why Dread Personnel decided to create Culture Deck

    Hello! I’m Yusuke, the HR guy with the dreadlocks. On December 1, 2021, we launch “Culture Deck.” ➡https://www.colorkrew.com/about/culture_deck/ In this blog, I’d want to explain why I came up with the concept of producing a Culture Deck in the first place. ■What exactly is a Culture Deck? A Culture Deck is a document that describes and summarizes a company’s corporate philosophy, management concepts, and anticipated employee conduct in a thorough manner.
  • Make your vision colorful! ~Vision Renewal

    On December 1, 2021, We updated our vision. 「 Color Your Work with Excitement 」 We wish to make working people’s daily life more exciting. We wish to provide color and variety to people’s lives. Our new vision was created with this in mind. The Vision Project Again This is the third renewal of our vision since I came to work at Colorkrew in 2010.
  • From European student to full-time software developer in Japan.

    Applying to Colorkrew from abroad About 2 years ago I started thinking about what I wanted to do after graduating. I had been living and studying in Groningen, which has a population of about 200.000 people, and I decided that my next city would be Tokyo. I had visited Japan a couple of times as a student to join a conference or do some sightseeing, but I had never lived there.
  • The Road to Super Flat Organization #10: Business Management in Super Flat Organization

    Dear readers of “The Road to Super Flat Organization.” Thank you so much for reading! Back number:The Road to Super Flat Organization #9: The Road to Non-territorial Office I found out that my friends did not press the “like” button, especially those who often tell me, “I read your blog!”
  • The Road to Super Flat Organization #9: The Road to Non-territorial Office

    So far, I mostly talked about HR and organization. So this time, I will write about the changes in the office. Back number: The Road to Super Flat Organization #8: 360 Degree Open Evaluation From two floors office to a single floor Before we moved to our current office in Asakusabashi, ISAO (Colorkrew, at that time) office was in Yotsuya.
  • The Road to Super Flat Organization #8: 360 Degree Open Evaluation

    This time, I will talk about how we set our new evaluation system after the new coaching system. Back number: The Road to Super Flat Organization #7: the Birth of the Coaching System A problem in a general evaluation method Evaluation is a supervisor’s job. Many companies adopt this evaluation system.
  • The Road to Super Flat Organization #7: The Birth of the Coaching System

    This time, I will describe how we worked on the coaching system. The roles of a manager in the previous organization Last time, I wrote that we adopted an organization where managers are not there and replaced them with the project leaders as we decided in the management camp. Back number: The Road to Super Flat Organization #6: The Final Touch, Goodbye Departments!
  • The Road to Super Flat Organization #6: The Final Touch, Goodbye Departments!

    To summarize the previous stories, ISAO(Currently, Colorkrew) started disclosing the information in 2012, and at the same time, gradually made the organization flat by reducing unnecessary report lines. The last article was about the moment when we were like, “Let’s get rid of all the positions and make the structure flat!
  • The Road to Super Flat Organization #5: The Moment Super Flat Organization Began

    This series is going to continue for a little more. However, today I’ll talk about the exact moment of the dawn of Super Flat Organization. Unexpected Super Flat In the last article, “The Road to Super Flat Organization #4 : First Open or First Flat?,” I explained how we came to have the three layers: the top, department managers, and everyone.
  • The Road to Super Flat Organization #4 : First Open or First Flat?

    “With what should we start?” It is a FAQ from managers and leaders who want to install an “Open and Flat” ideology in their organizations. First, Open The conclusion is this: the importance of an “Open” culture is ten times more important than a flat organization, and it should be the first step to start.